Sitecore Foundation - Meta Tag Management

Sitecore Foundation makes it easy to manage meta tag settings for your sites. The Meta Tag Feature is implemented with two templates which you can have your pages and site configuration content types inherit to fully support this feature.

The Site Template provides fields to configure prefixes and suffixes for the HTML Title Tag, Meta Description and Meta Keywords tags. It also allows you to define a default base canoncial url for your site.

The Page Template allows you to set specific values for the HTML title tag, meta description, meta keywords and canonical url as well as disable the site configuration defined prefixes and suffixes if desired. We also provide a Ribbon Button available in Experience Editor to quickly access these page properties. 

Here's a video overview of the feature:


Manage Meta Tags using Sitecore Foundation. Control HTML title tags, meta description, keywords and canonical urls in Sitecore.

To emit the Meta Tag Markup in your layout, an HTML Helper has been provided. Here's the top of the CommonLayout.cshtml layout used by the StarterKit:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">



We'll cover some of the features, including Social Tags which support adding Open Data (facebook), twitter and Goolge Plus tags to your site just as easily and flexibly. 

Sitecore Foundation - Building Session and Tracker Aware Web API's with Foundation.API

Sitecore Foundation - Content Components