Exam 70-553 - Implement a custom authentication scheme by using the System.Security.Authentication classes.

Section 1

  • Part 4
    • Topic 2


Implement a custom authentication scheme by using the System.Security.Authentication classes. (Refer System.Security.Authentication namespace)

  • Authentication algorithms and SSL protocols


This section is new to .Net 2.0 and deals with enumerations that describe the security of a Connection. It includes enumerations for CipherAlgorithmType (Aes, Aes128, Aes192, Aes256, Des, None, Rc2, Rc4, TripleDes), ExchangeAlgorithmType (DiffieHellman, None, RsaKeyX, RsaSign), HashAlgorithmType (Md5, None, Sha1), and SslProtocols (Default, None, Ssl2, Ssl3, Tls)

Other Resources & Links:

System.Security.Authentication Namespace

Exam 70-553 - Encrypt, decrypt, and hash data by using the System.Security.Cryptography classes.

Exam 70-553 - Implement access control by using the System.Security.AccessControl classes.